Jumat, 28 Juni 2013

Obyek wisata Karimun Jawa

Publications may not be as popular as Bali, Lombok, or Bunaken. However, the natural beauty of the islands of the sea is no less remarkable. Is one of 9 National Marine Park in Indonesia, Karimunjawa consists of 27 islands. Five islands inhabited by residents, while the rest is virgin islands uninhabited nan beautiful. There are 5 types of ecosystem in these islands; coral reefs, sea grasses, mangroves, coastal forests, and lowland tropical rain forests with high biodiversity.

The beauty of marine life is one of the main reasons for visiting Karimun. No less than 69 genera of hard corals and 353 species of reef fish live in tropical waters. Snorkeling a favorite activity. Enjoy the colorful coral reefs, or watching the dance of the clown fish are cute and adorable would be an unforgettable experience.

If you want more time to spend time chatting with marine life, diving the right choice. On the seabed around the island lying Kemujan Indono Panama Ship that sank in 1955 and now houses a variety of species of fish live, and is one of the favorite locations wreck diving. Hawksbill and green turtles are endangered is often seen swimming in the waters of Karimun.

Snorkeling and diving spots spread almost all over the archipelagic waters. Visited the nearby island an attractive option to look at the other side of the beauty of Karimunjawa. This tropical archipelago promises many exciting experiences, such as along the white sandy beaches surround the island of Big Pine, burn fish for lunch at Small Menjangan Island, Little Island surf with soft white sand burned behind him, as well as the chance to see the White Sea Eagle Chest is one an endangered species.

Menjangan Island offers a great opportunity to test the adrenaline swim with the sharks in the pond their captivity, while Central Island given its own color to the resorts equipped floating shark breeding ponds.

The beauty of the sea is still very natural one is because there are many mangrove forests that grow in Karimunjawa. A total of 300 hectares of mangroves scattered across the archipelago. In addition to protecting the coast from erosion, mangroves also generate weathering a major food plankton and marine breeding grounds for a variety of animals.

Cultural uniqueness karimunjawa the main attraction. Population is a combination of 3 different parts of Java, Bugis and Madurese living in harmony side by side. Most of the fishermen and live on the largest island, the island of Karimun. Pier fishing is an ideal spot to enjoy the beauty of the sky and sea at dusk. The island is also adorned by a row of hills that alternative trekking or waiting times rising of the sun.

Towards of Yogyakarta Karimunjawa

Karimunjawa archipelago is located approximately 230 km north of Yogyakarta. From Yogyakarta, public bus and set off to travel quite often to the frequency Jepara and Semarang, two cities in Java, which serves crossing towards Karimunjawa. With KMP Muria in Jepara, the trip takes about 6 hours. KMC Kartini of Semarang offers a faster trip for 3.5 hours. These Kemujan Island Dewandaru allow direct flights, but until now only serve private or chartered aircraft.

Yogyakarta - via Karimunjawa Jepara
Kartika Travel (+62 274 559595, Jl. Yogyakarta P Diponegoro 82) serve the route of Yogyakarta - Jepara (Rp 90,000, 6 hours). Ship slowly KMP Muria (+62 291 591048) departed from Jepara to Karimunjawa Saturday, Monday and Wednesday 9:00 pk; come back from Karimun to Jepara on Sunday and Tuesday and Thursday 8:00 pk pk 09:00 (U.S. 30,500 / 80,000, 6 hours)

Yogyakarta - via Semarang Karimunjawa
AC Bus Yogyakarta - Semarang (Rp 35,000, 3.5 hours). Fast ship KMC Kartini (+62 24 7605660) departed from Semarang to Karimunjawa 9:00 Saturday and Monday pk pk 07:00; returned from Karimunjawa to Semarang Sunday 14:00 pk and pk Tuesday 11:00 (U.S. 259,000 / 299,000 pp, 3.5 hours)

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